KFoundation is an alternative standard library for C++, made of over 80 well-documented classes for small and large scale programs. KFoundation is home-made at AICS and features maximum portability, and makes memory management, logging, debugging, international support, I/O, and distributed task scheduling, faster, easier and more elegant. Its serialization toolbox can be used to read and write configuration files, or exchange complex data between remote nodes. This course offers a brief overview of KFoundation APIs and a deeper view on the more essential ones.
12th AICS公開ソフト講習会「KFoundation Hands-On Tutorial」
【共催】 FOCUS(Foundation for Computational Science)
【開催日時】 15th February 2016, (mon) 10:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00
※start reception at 9:30~、Lunch break 12:00-13:00
【場所】 KOBE AICS 1st floor C107
【対象】 Intermediate in C++.
【端末】 Please bring your own laptop.
【開催言語】 English
【定員】 20
【申し込み締め切り】 12th February 2016, (Fri)
Please write the title “applying to KFoundation Hands-On Tutorial” and send to
aics-soft-seminar[at]riken.jp (please change [at]to @ ).
Also please write down the information written down below.
E-mail address:
Are you planning to join the workshop Beyond Object-Oriented(3/7) ? : yes ・ no
If “yes”, please choose your resident : resident ・ non- resident
【問合せ先】 aics-soft-seminar[at]riken.jp (please change [at]to @ )
Session 1:
Part 1 - Memory Management in KFoundation and KFObject
Part 2 - Using Logger API, System API, IO APIs, PrintWriter, and Streamer.
Part 3 - Portable Types and Type Wrappers, UString, and Containers.
Session 2:
Part 1 - Reading and Writing JSON, XML, and KFor files using ObjectSerializer and ObjectStreamReader.
Part 2 - APIs for Multi-threading and Task Scheduling.
Part 3 - Other APIs (Timer and Parser).